A Theory of Justice in the age of neoliberalism (in Chinese)

Guerilla capitalism and the platform economy: Governing Uber in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

Platforms play an increasingly important role in organizing our economic and political systems globally. Drawing on the varieties of capitalism (VoC) approach and the notion of regulatory entrepreneurship, this article introduces the concept of …

Epistemic injustice in workplace hierarchies: Power, knowledge and status

Contemporary workplaces are mostly hierarchical. Intrinsic and extrinsic bads of workplace hierarchies have been widely discussed in the literature on workplace democracy and workplace republicanism. However, a distinctively intrinsic relational bad, …

The Normativity of Work: Lockean and Marxist Overlapping Consensus on Just Work

Work is an integral part of modern society. However, the question of the normative conditions that distinguish just from unjust work has been under-investigated in political theory. This article, by comparing the Lockean and Marxist views of just …

Work autonomy and workplace democracy: the polarization of the goods of work autonomy in the two worlds of work

Political theorists have been framing the problems of unfreedom and domination at work as inconsistent with the requirements of political democracy, undermining the democratic potential of the workplace and inducing psychological and status harm. …

Reflections on the Contemporary Implications of Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (in Chinese)

The Making of Contentious Political Space: The Transformation of Hong Kong’s Victoria Park

Space plays a vital role in structuring and forming social movements into particular shapes—especially via its physical settings, the representation constructed through dominant and alternative discourses, and protesters’ spatial practices therein. …

Sex With Chinese Characteristics: Sexuality Research in/on 21st-Century China

This article examines the changing contours of Chinese sexuality studies by locating recent research in historical context. Our aim is to use the literature we review to construct a picture of the sexual landscape in China and the sociocultural and …

Legitimacy and Forced Democratisation in Social Movements: A Case Study of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong

Social movements are voluntary events whose participants have the right to leave whenever they disagree with their leaders. For this reason, the legitimacy of social movements is often perceived as inherent and thus of only secondary importance. This …